Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ten Days Later -- What Am I Going to Do?

I was trying to think of what to write, as I have not gone shopping for over a week and a half. All of a sudden it hit me. This blog is regarding Shopping Smarter, but it is not just about groceries. Although I have been writing about that since I started, so I thought that this week I would talk about buying other things...

This week I discovered the VISA Gift Card. I'd seen the ads on TV, but I was skeptical. I went to Walgreens and bought 2 cards. The higher the amount the higher (slightly) the fee for purchase. When you buy a $100 gift card you pay a service charge of $5.95...when you buy a $50 card you pay a $4.95 service charge...I forgot to check out the $25 card.

I have always had to pay for my storage by taking a bus trip that would last about 2 hours-- round trip. What a pain!!

I paid the monthly fee (late as usual) that I thought I would have problems paying online. I paid it last night in less than 5 minutes, using this Visa Gift Card. Wow...I just found a way to prevent the $30 late charges!! Guess that amounts to the "Shop Smarter" theme of this blog.

I am just so excited about this because it now gives me the freedom to purchase merchandise online from places like EBay, Overstock, etc. I was "window" shopping at Overstock last night and wow did I find some great deals on MP3 players, digital cameras and other exciting items. So don't be surprised when I tell you of the items I get because of Shopping Smarter and Saving.

P.S. For those of you that like Poker...If you purchase a gift card from Visa you can use it to load your online poker sites. For more poker information go to Poker Shack for tips, strategies, etc. Just make sure the card you buy does not say Domestic only!!

Don't forget...I love to read any and all comments sent by you.

Shop Smarter and Save!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Groceries for a Week [less than $35] -- Is it possible?

I know that I have been missing in action this week, but I have been very sick with a cold. That is for another post in another place Sue's Special Corner. Come visit me there.

I did go shopping yesterday, Saturday, to purchase a few things for this week's meals. I went to my favorite two stores, Save-A-Lot and 99 Cent Only Store. I spent $8+ change at the 99 Cent Only Store and a total of $23+ change at the Save-A-Lot.

I didn't buy a lot of cleaning products (probably none) nor did I buy a lot of meats. As a matter of fact, I only bought my 5lbs of jumbo hot dogs ($4.99). I did buy some canned beef stew ($1.49 each) and some chili with beans ($.68 each). These were the every day prices not just ad specials.

Yes, I did buy some veggies, tomatoes, sauerkraut, mushrooms, 2lbs of frozen cauliflower, and sliced potatoes, all for less than $5.00.

I bought coffee ($3.99 for 34.5 oz), bottle of soy sauce ($.99) and splurged on some munchies (e.g., potato chips, cheese puffs, and a 1/2 lb solid chocolate bunny) for less than $3.00 [again, every day low prices].

Oh, yeah, since I didn't post last week, I'll tell you what I did for a super cheap soup.

We found cabbage at $.24 per pound and bought two heads for $.81 total. When I came home I had such a craving for that cabbage that I cut it up with onions and cooked it for about an hour or so (depending on how soft you like yours). We diced some "chopped ham" (we bought a few days earlier) and added a can of tomato sauce, cut green beans, kidney beans, sliced carrots, 6 roma tomatoes and seasoned it to taste with onion powder, garlic powder, a dash of crushed red peppers, salt and pepper.

This recipe made a stock pot full of soup. We now have over 5 quarts left. Easy meals for a couple of days. I love it.

If you try this recipe, please let me know how you liked it.

WOW!! Cheaper groceries!

Don't forget Shop Smarter and Save

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Target -- Bullseye or ... ?????

My sister had given me a gift card from Target earlier last month (February) so, what better use than groceries.

I went "grocery shopping" on Saturday evening (last week) with $10.00. My poor cat was suffering from "carbon monoxide poisoning" every time she went into her litter box. Besides my roommate and I (especially me) were having the muncholas.

I was surprised. There are some items that Target hit the bullseye with, with their own store brand. The store brand is called the Market Pantry.

Although I have not tried every single one of them, I purchased four items (Hey, ten dollars only goes so far). I bought the microwave popcorn ($.88), the graham cracker "s'mores" mini sandwiches ($1.02), the thin wheat crackers ($1.89 ); and the mini marshmallows ($.89).

My roommate tried the microwave popcorn yesterday afternoon and said "I like my other brand better".

I ate the graham cracker sandwiches between Saturday night and Monday night. They were okay, not great, but okay. I personally would have preferred additional chocolate filling, but hey, beggars can't be choosers...or can we?

Believe it or not, the "thin wheats" have lasted until this week. I have been slowly munching on them and have added them to "ramen" soup. I have totally enjoyed these little crackers and it is a pretty full box. I found them to be just as good as the "brand name" thin wheat crackers.

I used the marshmallows last night and made crispy rice treats. They were like any other marshmallows that I have bought before at a lesser price (Save-a-Lot), so I wasn't impressed.

Oh, yeah, the Tidy Cat ($1.89) was a hit. My cat, Princess, thanked me over and over again.

Well stay tuned to see what shopping I do this week.

Shop Smarter and Save!

Sunday, February 25, 2007


I'm not sure if the title will fit this post, but its what I could think of. I am a diabetic, yes and I really shouldn't be eating cookies, but sometimes....well you know...that dang sweet tooth attacks and I can't go to sleep until I fix it.

For the past two nights, I have had this problem. So, the first night, I reached into my freezer and pulled out this "package" of "cookie dough". It was actually a package of Nestle cookie shapes that were already cut out, with icing. It was the shortbread flavor. Now I remember buying this package a couple of months ago. Since then, I have priced these packs of cookies at WalMart, Smith's, Albertson's and Food4Less. At each of these stores, basically the same cookies were priced at over $2.00, per package. Now, I know you gals are saying "Yep, that's what I pay for them."

Well, let me tell you something. I bought 2 packages of similar cookies (one shortbread, the other butter cookies, and both the Nestle brand) for $.99. Yes, each package was less than 50 cents. 2 for $.99 (99 cents). You guessed it...I bought them at my 99cent Only Store. This was their regular price. Not a special sale, not a close-out.

I have even bought a 2lb roll of Pillsbury sugar cookie dough at my 99cent Only Store. Yes, for $.99. I know I couldn't even dream of making homemade cookies for that price, can you?

Another way I satisfy my sweet tooth is at the Dollar Tree Store. They have "snack" size mixes for brownies and cookies for (you guessed it) $1.00. I know that there are sales at the major chain stores for the full size cake, cookie and brownie mixes, but as I've stated in previous posts, we are diabetics. If I bought the full sizes, we would eat them. That would not be good for either my roommate nor myself.

Stay tuned for my post regarding a new website I found...

Feel free to leave comments or suggestions for me!

Shop Smarter and Save

Thursday, February 22, 2007


I was thinking the other day about the Kroger brand names that I found at two different stores. I went to Smith's last weekend, but I also do a little grocery shopping at Food4Less. I noticed that both stores had the Kroger brand as their store brands. Ok, I'm not the sharpest thorn on the rose bush.

I went onto the web and looked for Food4Less. I found no website for them. I then looked for Smith's. Again, no website. So then I looked up Kroger. Surprise! I found that Kroger owns both stores. Hmmmm.

That raised another thought in my mind. What's the difference between the two stores. Personally, I think that Smith's has the "snob appeal". Many of the items that they advertise are higher priced than Food4Less, not by much, but they are higher. Its almost like Smith's is for the middle class shoppers and Food4Less is for the budget /income minded shoppers. My question would be...don't all of the items come from the same warehouse? Why the price difference?

Sometimes I think that women are afraid to admit that they shop at dollar stores, and "discount" stores like Food4Less or Save-A-Lot. Like it's something to be ashamed of. Well, I will yell it from the highest mountain because of the money I save at all of the "cheap" grocery stores. I don't see a difference between brand, off-brand, or store brand items when it comes to certain staples such as sugar (sweetner), flour, spices, etc.

Why pay more?

Shop Smarter and Save

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Coffaholics or Coffee Drinkers

We drink coffee excessively (I know its not really good for us). We drink pots and pots of coffee every day. We have "burned out" more coffee pots in the past 6 years than I've ever heard of. Yes, of course, we buy them from our local WalMart, but at less than $10 a piece every couple of years, its worth it. We are addicted. For those of you that are coffaholics like us, I'll let you in on where we buy our coffee and no, its not at WalMart.

I would like you to think about how much do you spend on your "3lb can" of coffee. Is it in the neighborhood of $6-$8 per can? We used to buy our Yuban at the local WalMart store and got away with spending around $4.99, but since coffee prices have soared (as you all know) we've only seen it on sale for $5.99 plus. Sure, that's good when the regular price at most super chain grocery stores is around $7.99. The prices at the chain grocery stores really cuts into the grocery budget when you have to buy 2 cans a month.

Ok, okay, we buy an off-brand coffee at our local Save-A-Lot store. Why? Because we only spend $3.99 per 3lb can. Basically we can purchase 2 cans for the price of one and that's their everyday low price. Yes, I know you're going to tell me that the off-brand coffee tastes terrible, but we have found that this coffee competes heavily with our old favorite. Since we drink so much of must be good!! I have to tell you...I love grocery shopping at our Save-A-Lot store. It's also very close to the house which makes it extra special.

So, I guess we are definitely Coffaholics. Are you?

Shop Smarter and Save.

Friday, February 16, 2007


I have watched other people who are on budgets lose themselves in the brand name craze. I wonder what they are thinking when they overpay, just for a name. I asked one person that once and she told me that it is her husband won't eat off-brand names. She said that since he goes with her grocery shopping she doesn't get a chance to choose other brands. In this instance, I suppose that she has no choice. I suggested that he better get a better paying job. hahaha!

For myself and my roommate, I know that we are not picky eaters. We enjoy the off-brand or store brand items just as much as the brand names. We pay much less for our groceries each month. WOW!! Cheaper Groceries!

Cheaper groceries is why I will shop at the Dollar Tree, Dollar King and 99cent Only Stores. When you can buy off-brand cream soups at a 2 for $1, a large bottle of soy sauce for $.99, and my all time favorite 2 lbs of frozen cauliflower for .99, then life is good.

I have priced these items in the chain grocery stores and even in the discount stores and the prices are as much as doubled, sometimes even triple the amount that I pay.

So, as this blog suggests:
Shop Smarter and Save

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Public Service Announcement: Check Your Pantries!

I was searching blogs yesterday morning and found an announcement about: "The makers of Peter Pan Peanut Butter and Great Value Peanut Butter have announced a recall of their product do to salmonella." Please visit Mom's Fridge to read the all additional information.

Shop Smarter and Save

Discount vs. Overrun

Boy, do I hate to go shopping for groceries, especially on Saturday and Sunday afternoons due to the crowds (maybe you do to?). But lucky for me I live in Las Vegas where most of the big chain grocery stores are open late (1 a.m.) or they open early (6 a.m.). Although I use most of the chain stores for emergencies. The other stores that I shop at are usually open 8am until 9pm.

I don't think that I've told you that I do my grocery shopping by bus, so I do have to plan several days in advance to do all my shopping. The reason? Well, I always need something somewhere. When you live on a budget like my roommate and I do, you're always looking for bargains.

I just found out that there is a difference between Wal-Mart, Save-A-Lot or Food4Less and my 99cent Only Stores, Dollar Tree, etc.. Do you know what that is? Ok, don't feel left out. The difference between these is that Wal-Mart, Save-A-Lot, Food4Less, etc. are discount stores and the 99cent Only and Dollar stores are known as over-run stores. We all know what a discount store is, but an over-run store needs some explaining (I think).

If you grocery shop at your 99cent Only stores (or Dollar Tree, Dollar King, or similar stores) they are the over-run stores. You probably noticed that sometimes they don't always have your favorite snacks, veggies, etc. every time you go there. They receive the "over-runs" from the manufacturers. Sometimes the manufacturers don't have an over-run of that product that week.

These over-run stores are used by suppliers to relieve their inventories of excess merchandise. The benefit to you is that you can get groceries and other items at a much lower price, sometimes as much as 80% less.

Shop Smarter and Save

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Olive Oil -- Extra Virgin or Spanish?

As I was watching the cooking channel last month I noticed that many of the cooks were recommending the use of extra virgin olive oil. This made me wonder about how beneficial this stuff really is. So I did a little research and found that it is extremely good for you.

The problem is that it is so darned expensive. So I went to my local Save-A-Lot grocery store and found a large bottle of naturally pressed Spanish olive oil for less than $4.00. A little more looking around told me that it is just as good for cooking as the more expensive oil.

The extra virgin oil is what you need for salad dressing and light marinades but the naturally pressed oil is better for cooking because the smoke point is higher. As I went to other large chain stores I noticed that the prices they were asking were still quite a bit higher than what I had paid.

Shop Smarter and Save

Sweeter or Sweetner?

Well, I can't use sugar because I'm a diabetic. I use a sugar substitute. Do you know how expensive the blue brand name is? I do, that's why I don't buy it. I can't stand the taste of the pink brand name (can you?) besides the threat of cancer scares the heck out of me. So now the question is if I don't use the blue brand nor the pink brand what do I use? Not the yellow brand, its getting as expensive as the blue brand, though it does taste good.

Now you know what I don't use. Let me tell you what I do use. I use the "Great Values" sweetner that I get from my local Wal-Mart. I figure that inexpensive Aspartame is just as good as the expensive aspartame. The only difference I find is the actual price. The Great Values brand is half of the cost of the blue brand product.

If I actually used the pink brand product, I know I can go to my supercenter and find an off brand product there as well.

Feel free to comment!

Shop Smarter and Save.

Do You Shop Smart?

I used to think I did until a couple of months ago. I checked my ads in the mailbox and found a new grocery store opening in my neighborhood (called Save-A-Lot).

I looked at the ads side-by-side and found that the new grocery store was advertising the same items as the other store, but they were A LOT less expensive (although different brand names). I bought a few of my favorite items and left the store with a lot of change. I cooked up some of the items for dinner and even my roommate couldn't tell the difference between the brand named items and the off brand items.

WOW!! Cheaper groceries!

I'll be filling you in later.

Shop Smarter and Save.