Sunday, February 18, 2007

Coffaholics or Coffee Drinkers

We drink coffee excessively (I know its not really good for us). We drink pots and pots of coffee every day. We have "burned out" more coffee pots in the past 6 years than I've ever heard of. Yes, of course, we buy them from our local WalMart, but at less than $10 a piece every couple of years, its worth it. We are addicted. For those of you that are coffaholics like us, I'll let you in on where we buy our coffee and no, its not at WalMart.

I would like you to think about how much do you spend on your "3lb can" of coffee. Is it in the neighborhood of $6-$8 per can? We used to buy our Yuban at the local WalMart store and got away with spending around $4.99, but since coffee prices have soared (as you all know) we've only seen it on sale for $5.99 plus. Sure, that's good when the regular price at most super chain grocery stores is around $7.99. The prices at the chain grocery stores really cuts into the grocery budget when you have to buy 2 cans a month.

Ok, okay, we buy an off-brand coffee at our local Save-A-Lot store. Why? Because we only spend $3.99 per 3lb can. Basically we can purchase 2 cans for the price of one and that's their everyday low price. Yes, I know you're going to tell me that the off-brand coffee tastes terrible, but we have found that this coffee competes heavily with our old favorite. Since we drink so much of must be good!! I have to tell you...I love grocery shopping at our Save-A-Lot store. It's also very close to the house which makes it extra special.

So, I guess we are definitely Coffaholics. Are you?

Shop Smarter and Save.

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